I have to admit something. Something that I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to feel bad about, but I don’t.
I don’t feel bad being a working mother.
There, I said it. Phew!
The thing is, I KNOW in my heart of hearts that I could not handle being a stay at home mom. I just couldn’t. I need to get out of the house. I need adult interaction. I need to use my brain (not that trying to figure out the manipulations of my children isn’t using my brain, but it’s a different part).
I know some struggle with whether to go back to work. I know some moms would give anything to be able to stay home with their kids all the time. But, I’m not one of them. I love going to work. And I love coming home to my kids. But, there was never a time that I thought I would stay at home with the kids. Never.
My aunt thinks I’m crazy. She always wanted to stay home with her boys, but money was tight and she had to work. But, I wonder if she wanted that “dream” of staying home. Would she really have loved it if she’d lived it? I’m not sure. Did she want it just because that’s what you’re supposed to say? You’re supposed to want to stay home with your kids. You’re supposed to want them raised by their family. You’re supposed to give up part of yourself for your children. At least that’s what we’re taught.
But, I think working makes me a better mom. I enjoy the time I have with them more. I cherish it. It’s not a day in day out 24 hours a day thing. So, I truly appreciate the time we have. Also, I don’t stress as much about them. If I was there all the time I’d see every little thing they did wrong. And it’d drive me crazy. I’d be the constant disciplinarian and teacher and cook and maid, etc. And that would stress me the heck out!
Plus, they LOVE going to school. Their teachers are great. They have fun activities and games. They come home full of new ideas and words and songs. And then they ask to go back to school! Sometimes I wonder if this means that they have more fun at school than at home. But, I think it just means that they have TWO safe, fun places to go. And for that I’m thankful.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’d love to stay home SOME. Like when I worked part time. That was the best of both worlds. I still got to get out and go to work, but I also got some quality time at home. If I had the chance to do it again, I’d definitely work part time. I was able to adjust my schedule for school activities for the older kids and do my errands during the week so the weekends were relaxing. Now that I’m full time, I miss school functions and our weekends are jam packed with errands.
But, I don’t feel guilty for working. And I’m pretty sure that “society” wants me to, but I don’t.