I have a love/hate relationship with the holidays. While I love the spirit of the holidays and love the food and family and decorations. But, I also hate the planning and spending money and cooking and cooking and cleaning and did I mention cooking? And the STRESS!
I know I always bite off more than I can chew during the holidays, but that’s part of the allure for me. I can’t just sit there! I’ve got to be in control! And organizing! (I really never take a break.)
First, we’ve got Halloween. It’s a pretty big deal in our house. Every year the WHOLE family dresses up in a theme. Remember this one:
So, finding something that everyone agrees on is really hard. But, we’ve found a theme for this year. But, then I have to find the costumes, etc., etc. And my husband’s cousin always has a big ole bash, plus the school’s party, plus the trick or treating and trunk or treating, etc.
Plus the decorations. We usually go all out with our decorations. My husband LOVES Halloween. We have lots of skulls and skeletons and spooky stuff. I love to put it up, but HATE to take it down and pack it all back up.
Then there’s a bit of a lull. And when I say lull, I mean back to our normal chaos- Cub Scouts, soccer, Girl Scouts, babysitting, work, etc. This is the time that I usually try to take a family picture for Christmas cards. Oh what fun it was last year!
Then there’s Thanksgiving. I ALWAYS cook for Thanksgiving. I do love to cook, but it seems like it’s all I do during the holidays. Sometimes it’s just our immediate family for Thanksgiving; sometimes the IL’s or my parents come. I’m not even sure who will show up this year! I know some will say I should have everyone bring a dish to pass, but this really isn’t a good idea. My mother in law doesn’t really cook, so whatever she brings is usually something warmed up after being taken out of the freezer. And my parents are so dang unreliable that they probably wouldn’t show up and major portions of dinner would be missing.
Then there’s BLACK FRIDAY! My favorite day of the year. I could go on and on about my love of Black Friday, but I’ll save that for closer to the date.
Then, the Christmas decorations. Once again, I go WAY overboard. I will admit that I have four trees! And those are regular sized trees! I have smaller ones throughout the house. Every single surface gets decorated for Christmas, inside and out!
Then, we’ve got Carissa’s birthday. I’m always trying to come up with cool birthday ideas since she’s past the age of just having a little party with friends. This year I’m trying to win four tickets to a cool concert that’s being played on her birthday. I thought I could score major points if I took her and two friends to a concert!
Then, we have the Polar Express- our trek across the state up to the cold for our two days in snow. And the train ride. It’s a family tradition that I truly cherish. Although I could do without the car ride up and back!
Then we have the actual holiday of Christmas. And figuring out when and where we’re going to celebrate with both sides of the family. And who’s feelings will be hurt more and what in the hell do I buy my drug addicted 23 year old brother. You know, all those good times! Plus, I usually kill myself and make about 200 DOZEN cookies! Although, I have vowed to cut back this year. I just cannot physically do it. I don’t have enough hours in the day or arms and eyes enough to keep the kids occupied while I open the oven door every 10 minutes for the next 2342345 hours! Maybe I’ll only make 50 dozen this year.
And the gifts. Teachers, newspaper deliverer, bus driver, coaches, coworkers, family, kids, etc. etc. It’s overwhelming and expensive. Last year I started making the kids MAKE each others gifts. It works out really well, expect only one of them could do their projects on their own. I had to help/supervise the others. So, while it was a great idea, it cost me more than if I just let them pick out a present in the store.
And super smart me has decided this year that many of my relatives will be getting homemade scrapbooks from Heritage Makers. Call me a glutton for punishment! I will get those books made before the holidays!
So, yes, while I really do love it all, by January I need a nice relaxing beach and some strong liquor. Unfortunately, in January I have to take down the Christmas decorations and we have another birthday.
Oh lord, someone hold me while I have a breakdown just thinking about it!