So, all the trials and tribulations that go along with this new job are teaching me new things about myself. Things that in all my 33 years I never realized.
The biggest one, I need my own space. I treasure my personal space. TREASURE it! I need space to just be myself. Talk to myself while working on a project, answer the phone and get tongue tied, fart in peace! Not having my own space makes me one big unhappy camper. And I think that's the main thing that's bothering me about this job.
The building we're working in was orginially built for 21 people. (I'm working for a federal law enforcement agency.) But, the agency has grown exponentially in the last five years. Now, we have over 250 people! IN.THE.SAME.BUILDING. Tight quarters to say the least. My office is probably 10X10 square. And there are three of us in here! And a small fridge and two massive filing cabinets.
To paint the picture, imagine pushing your chair out from your desk and bumping into someone else's chair. Repeat. Repeat. Imagine having the desk next to the fridge and having people drape themselves over your shoulders to reach around to get something out of the fridge. Repeat. Repeat. Imagine someone wanting to access the file cabinet, so you have to get up, leave your chair and WALK OUT OF THE OFFICE so they can have access. Repeat. Repeat. It sucks! And it makes me crabby.
Not to mention, getting critiqued on the fact that "no one else takes phone messages", so why do you? Or the million other things.
I also realized, that I've been really, really lucky to this point. Ever since I started working in an office, I've ALWAYS had my own space. Once, it was just a cubicle, but it was MY cubicle. Every other job I've had, I've had my own office. And I took it for granted.
Oh, how I wish I could get a little space of my own. It could be a 4X4 space. Just enough for a desk and chair. But, sadly we have no room.
I am trying to change my outlook and trying to be okay with it. But, frankly, I'm just not okay with it. I'm a very social person, but sometimes I just want a place to get away from it all. I want to lay my head on the desk for five minutes, I want to eat a snack without people watching, and by God, I want to fart without everyone knowing it's me!