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The Secret is in the Saucy


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October 08, 2008


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you don't like veggies?? I know I know... why I choose that one I don't know, but I love veggies. Is that wrong?


We're planning on going to the 2010 olympics in vancouver, we could meet up! ;)


It's a good list. I second the Johnny Depp one. :P

Mike from the Newborn Identity

Hmmm. Not to say you can't achieve your goals, but perhaps start with the learning to sew one instead of the curing cancer one. Work your way up!


I'm with you on some of those! :)


Great list! I'll open a bakery with you! :)

Sybil Law

I like random.
The midwife one surprises me, though, but I can't figure out why!


too broad. start small, then build.

like the veggies. like a tomato. then add a cucumber. you don't have to like them ALL. no one likes them ALL. :)

and renovating a small house. first, just do a shed.

am i helping? no? dang.

Trasi Fletcher

Now there is nothing stopping you from learning to ride a motorcycle!! (They even provide the bikes!)


If you become a midwife, I want you to deliver my next baby, in water. AND I will send Johnny Depp your way when he leaves my house. ;)

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