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The Secret is in the Saucy


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October 29, 2008


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Trenches of Mommyhood

Agreed. Working part-time is the perfect balance! I've done all 3 (full-time, part-time and SAHM) and like you, I could never see myself being a SAHM permanently. I think it's a completely different mindset. But it does suck to HAVE TO work b/c of finances. It's a lot of pressure.

Sybil Law

I miss work and adult interaction, too. I love being able to do all the volunteer stuff at school, etc, but after a while - ugh.


I am so with you on this! Both times, when the boys were born, I took 6 months for maternity leave (here in Japan it's usually one year!!). Yeah, it was great to be home with them when they were baby-babies, but, honestly, by the 4th month, I was about to go nuts!!! I admire SAHMs because I just couldn't do it. I was so ready to go back to work...I felt a little bad about that, mom always says that "no one is happy unless mom is happy"...and going to work makes me happy..ergo..we are all pretty damn happy!
I do feel a bit bad about not being able to do so much at school. Here, the moms are always up there, observing classes, helping out...but...I asked Issei if he was okay with that and he didn't even have to think about it...he was okay. Thank God for that! I do go up there sometimes, just enough to let them know that I do actually care about my son, but not enough for them to worry that I want to take over!!
And you are right about the time that we spend with our kids...because it is so limited, I think that our time is a bit more "quality time"'s very precious and I don't want to spend it doing 'whatever' with the boys!!


I so wish I had your outlook! I seriously think some people are made to feel the way you do! I think its wonderful, and so much better for you and the kids!

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