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The Secret is in the Saucy


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August 18, 2008


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i only like purel at the zoo or what have you.


are you kidding? You're a Goddess for having four of them.
I am struggling with just the man, and his teenage daughter!


Amen sista!!! lol

In the Trenches of Mommyhood

I hear you! With one, I was totally neurotic and anal. With two, I was more relaxed, but still on top of my game and in command. With three little boys? FORGET IT. I waved the white flag a long time ago.




Good for you (and the kids, really). I am totally less anal (man, that sounds dirty! ew) with 2 kids than with one. If I ever had 4 they would probably just have to parent themselves while I slept on the couch or something. :)


You're a freakin saint.. I won't even have ONE!!

Jenn @ Juggling Life

I'm still pretty neurotic and anal, even after 4.

San Diego Momma

What you describe above happened to me after the second.

But I've always been pretty lazy -- EXCEPT where toilets are concerned.

San Diego Momma

What you describe above happened to me after the second.

I've always been pretty lazy -- EXCEPT where toilets are concerned.



i will have a clean house when the kids (...and the husband....) aren't in it!

Jo Beaufoix

Snort, if I had four we would live in a dump, seriously, I did the laid back thing on number two. Brill post.

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