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The Secret is in the Saucy


« Out of the Mouths of Babes | Main | See No Evil, Eat No Evil? »

July 17, 2008


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now don't be so hard on your folks. those kids will always be there. but the yardwork! that could grow up and move out at any moment. that backward, don't i...


what holly said..

Crossing my fingers that you get that job!

Can't believe they are going back to school already.

manager mom

I hear you on the exhausted. Can you do grocery delivery? I had a hard time justifying the $6 delivery fee, but then I realized that to pay $6 but save myself 2 hours of aggravation at the store was well worth it.

BITR Country Girl

I totally feel your pain on the purse thing. I have close to a dozen that I don't use and are just collecting dust.

on being exhausted....again I feel your pain. I hope things start getting better for both of us really. have a great weekend!

Jenn @ Juggling Life

I could believe the binder story--that's what my daughter's teachers wanted in 8th grade.

At least they had an at home set of textbooks and block scheduling so they didn't have every class every day.

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