** I am going crazy waiting to hear back about that federal job. I had an interview two weeks ago and still haven't heard anything. They made it sound like I got the job and that I'd hear something soon. Yet, I haven't.
**To the guy that insisted on passing me and the construction truck on the shoulder this morning, only to have me be right on your ass 2 minutes later, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
**I cannot find a purse that I like anywhere. I see one I like, buy it, use it for a week or two and realize it doesn't work. I need someone to custom make me the perfect purse.
**The kids have swim lessons tonight. Jocelyn and I are the only females in her class. The dads are all trying to chat with me which makes me uncomfortable since a) I'm in a bathing suit and not all that content with my body b) their wives are sitting on the deck watching us and I feel like they're glaring at me and c) my anti social husband is sitting on the deck too and I don't want him to think that I'm starting these conversations!
**My mom informed me that they are probably not coming to Jocelyn's b-day party this weekend. Yet another grandchild's b-day party they miss because the 1 1/2 hour drive is too much. And excuse after excuse. Like that they can't miss church on Sunday for her party (which they could come after, but whatever) because they missed the last two weeks for a) yard work and b) to eat breakfast. Does that logic make any sense?
**The kids started school on Monday and already Carissa's attitude is back. She claims she needs a different backpack/bag because she can't carry all of her binders (they don't have lockers). We've told her to try to work it out with her teachers. I think she's misunderstanding something. She has six classes and each needs a 2" binder (according to her), I can't believe the teachers would expect them all to carry all those binders around all day. We're trying to have her solve her own problems instead of getting involved since she's in eighth grade. But, she seems unwilling and instead pouts about it daily. I'm tempted to just call the teachers myself to see what the real story is.
**I've been doing pretty good working out (3-4 times a week) and eating right,but haven't seen much physical change yet. This is my third week. Hopefully, I can be more consistent and it will start to show.
**I really need a break from work. Now that I'm full time I just can't get things done. I hate running errands and grocery shopping on the weekend because the stores are crowded and I rarely get time to just hang out with the kids. I don't feel like I ever get a day to just chill out by the pool with the kids. We're always on the go. I'm exhausted!
now don't be so hard on your folks. those kids will always be there. but the yardwork! that could grow up and move out at any moment.
oh...wait...got that backward, don't i...
Posted by: holly | July 17, 2008 at 05:05 PM
what holly said..
Crossing my fingers that you get that job!
Can't believe they are going back to school already.
Posted by: bubblewench | July 18, 2008 at 04:30 AM
I hear you on the exhausted. Can you do grocery delivery? I had a hard time justifying the $6 delivery fee, but then I realized that to pay $6 but save myself 2 hours of aggravation at the store was well worth it.
Posted by: manager mom | July 18, 2008 at 05:08 AM
I totally feel your pain on the purse thing. I have close to a dozen that I don't use and are just collecting dust.
on being exhausted....again I feel your pain. I hope things start getting better for both of us really. have a great weekend!
Posted by: BITR Country Girl | July 18, 2008 at 05:18 AM
I could believe the binder story--that's what my daughter's teachers wanted in 8th grade.
At least they had an at home set of textbooks and block scheduling so they didn't have every class every day.
Posted by: Jenn @ Juggling Life | July 18, 2008 at 08:46 AM