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The Secret is in the Saucy


« Part 4 | Main | Out of the Mouths of Babes »

July 10, 2008


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I have so much admiration & respect for you, Lori! Your kids are so lucky to have such a strong, independant woman as their mother. Thanks for sharing your balls with all of us! :)



awesome. Glad you left the jerk behind, and moved on. Your kids have a strong role model in you...

Jessica Moore

That could've ended badly in so many different ways. I'm happy that your motherly instinct kicked in and you were able to do what was best for you and your beautiful little (not so little anymore) daughter.

Thanks for sharing your story with us. I think it takes guts to even admit to all of that. You have a lot to be proud of Lori.

Miss you!


Lori! That's awesome. You totally rock. What an inspiring story! Yet another reason that I look up to you.

Mary Ann

Wow! Thanks for sharing that story. How awesome that something so negative (the jerk) actually turned into something so amazing (baby and your changed life). That is so great. You are a wonderful mom!

BITR Country Girl - Aka Jamie

You are AWESOME! Kicking that jerk to the curb had to been a difficult thing to do. Out of a bad situation you got a really great gift in your little girl. Have a great weekend!


AFter going through all that shit, just look at you. You are an awesome woman...balls and all...and with an absolutely beautiful daughter...along with that really cute hubby and those other kids!! :-D. Sometimes, the bad stuff we overcome helps us to appreciate what we have become in life!!
Thanks for sharing that Lori...and may your children inherit that part of you to take with them in their lives...balls are good to have..just in case you need them!!


i find the don't-take-no-shit lesson to be the best one you can teach your kids.

i'm trying to teach mine that the only shit they're allowed to take is that given to them by me. obviously, they must take *that* shit.

but what a powerful story, lori. my hat's off to you.


I just caught up on this and the previous post. I'm just amazed that you made it out at all. It's a wonderful ending to a rough story.

Sybil Law

You are awesome. And the past, or rather the things you did in the past, might embarrass you (or just make you cringe!), but it taught you a lot of important lessons. Your daughter is so lucky to have you. You were strong all along - you just needed the motivation!


You're a inspiration. Thank you for sharing your story!


WOW! That's amazing! I'm glad it all worked out.


`I leave in a heartbeat if it's the best thing for me and/or the kids...`

That makes you a strong woman and a kick ass mother. Kudos.


I'm loving you right now. You AND your ginormous balls.

Jenn @ Juggling Life

I'm glad you got instant perspective and turned your life around.

As the parent of 4 kids (23, 18, 15, 13) I was really feeling for your parents as I read this story. They must be so happy with the way things have turned out.


Just caught up on the whole story. I never knew all the details. You know I think you rock, but I'm taking the opportunity to say it again here. :D

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