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The Secret is in the Saucy


« Happy Freakin Monday | Main | A camping we will go! »

June 25, 2008


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In the Trenches of Mommyhood

It's a total shopping high, huh? I'm a total addict to bargains too!


NO! You can't be off the french fries! How can you live??

Dudette, you are the total Ross SCORE goddess! Nice!!

Ok, now that you're 'back' I can post Tiki pics..heh..heh...

Gabi in Iowa

Goota love a day of shopping and good deals!!!!


i LOVE ROSS!!!! !i want some ROSS RIGHT NOWWWW!!! okay i'll settle down. dang i'm so jealous now.

body for life - i've done that. immer essen!!! it's good though.


Haven't been to Ross but it sounds like Gabriel Brothers, which is very yard-sale-ish but has great deals! I can't wait to see the camping pics!


Wow, those are some CRAZY good deals! Isn't that the best feeling? Woohoo!


Gotta love a bargain! Can't wait to hear more about the camping trip!

Jessica Moore

Awesome deal on the clothes. I love when you strike it lucky like that. :) Having time definitely makes a difference, I could spend the whole day bargain shopping and sorting through the crap if only the kids weren't around. haha

Good luck with Body for Life!! I'm sure you'll do great picking it back up. And having a partner will make it so much more fun, and easier too.


Great shopping!! I love Ross...always try to hit one once or twice when we come "home".
Am now going to see what the heck Body for Life is...have no clue!!
Good luck...whatever it is!!!

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