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The Secret is in the Saucy


« Nannie nannie boo boo | Main | How I Grew My Balls- Part 1 »

June 27, 2008


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Jo Beaufoix

Lori the pictures are fab. It looks like a gorgeous place. I only let my kids blow bubbles in the garden cos they dump it out all over the place too and it's so annoying.

The new health kick sounds good, and noooooooo on the being cut out of a dress thing, but they should make zips that work, tsk.


Love the pics..especially that last one. She looks worn out! As far as the camping are a braver woman/better Mom than me, because I only do hotel!


hey. found you from

saw your site address and had to leave you a comment.

great minds think alike!


Sorry it wasn't what you wanted....but glad to hear that it was fun. :) your kids are adorable. I haven't seen pics in seems! J is going so fast.

thanks for the feedback on my blog. I switched from white to tanish...and like it better...but not as much as black.


Oh....I miss camping like that!! Sorry the weather and water-level sucked..but it seems as if you all made the best of it!!!
And, too..on the bubbles....the floor in our entrance has had more than its share of bubbles spilled on it...and you can't really clean those up very easily, can you?!?!
Your kids are beautiful....and was that your hubby? (she asked fanning herself!) :-D


this looks like it was so much fun. it was supposed to be us this weekend! apparently, all i have to do to make it rain is say "i want to go camping." sigh.

the irony is that i never ever wanted to before this year.

Manager Mom

Those are the kinds of things that kids remember FOREVER. very cool!

In the Trenches of Mommyhood

PJMom at Boogers & Burps just wrote about her camping trip as well!

Just the thought of camping with my boyz makes me twitch! Give me a hotel anyday.

Jessica Moore

You've banned bubbles at your house? That's just cruel. Pretty smart way to keep them entertained while camping though. ;)

And my favorite part of all your pictures is the super cute bandana shirt. Not everyone can pull that off you know.

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