So, ladies, do you love your hair?
It seems like, as women, maybe men too, we have this love/hate relationship with our hair. We hate ours and love everyone else's. If our hair is straight we want it curly, if it's curly we want it straight. We're always striving to have someone else's hair, Jennifer Aniston, Victoria Beckham, Dorothy Hamill (maybe not so much nowadays).
I know I do. My hair is stick straight. And fine. It sucks because it's always limp. If I have it cut shorter then sometimes I can get some volume. But, I really like my hair long enough to put in a ponytail or clip. I've considered a perm, but do people still get perms? Or is that too 80s? I would like just a bit of wave in it. That way I wouldn't have to blow it out every morning. Of course, damn genetics have given one of my daughters the complete opposite. Thick, curly hair. Which she hates. She tries to straighten it all the time only to have it come out completely frizzy. What gives?
And what about color? I've had every color under the sun. It's been purple, orange, red, blonde, brown. Right now it's pretty blonde. I'd like to go towards my more natural light brown, but I'm not sure. It's been blonde for awhile now. And blonde covers all the gray. You cannot believe how much gray I have! I'm thinking of doing brown with highlights, but the maintenance scares me. I usually get my hair cut every 2-3 months. With highlights I'd have to go more regularly.
The good thing is that hair grows back. It's the one thing that I'm willing to take risks with. I've had hair down past my butt and hair shorter than my ears! I've had all sorts of colors and combinations. Bangs, no bangs. Layers, no layers. I like to have fun and experiment with my hair. Because I know that it'll grow back.
So, what about you? Do you experiment? Do you love your hair?